Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet
Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet

Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet

Remember that the key word in “paid time off” or PTO is “paid.” You have earned this time off through working a set number of weeks at your job. Of course if you find a discrepancy on your pay slip, report it right away. In the same way you (should) verify that your salary and deductions are correct every pay period, you should also make sure that your paid time off numbers are 100% accurate. You also want to optimize how you request days off and leverage company holidays every month of the year. It’s not just about tracking your time off accurately. However it lacks the ability to take private notes about how you plan to use your time off so you can plan ahead. Your secure HR employee portal may also list your accrued and used time-off hours or days. Your pay stub is often printed by an external payroll service provider and may not always be up to date. Ask yourself how confident you are in its accuracy.

Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet

You are probably thinking, why keep track of your time off numbers if your paycheck stub or pay statement already includes it. Do You Trust Your Pay Stub Vacation Accrual Number? Keep reading to learn why documenting your days off is essential to achieving your work-life balance and vacation-taking goals. For an instant solution use the free Vacation Days Tracker spreadsheet template which is already set up to document and measure every category of time off. You could create your own in Excel, OpenOffice, or Google Sheets™ to itemize your days off usage. Instead of relying on your paycheck stub or trying to calculate it by hand, use a spreadsheet to store all the details. Paid time off from work is one of your most valuable employment benefits.

Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet

Time off is money, so don’t lose track of how many paid days off you have earned and taken at your job each year.

Example of a vacation hours spreadsheet